Calculate with default values or change them by clicking in the field.When did your last period start? (dd/mm/yyyy) Length of menstrual cycle (days)222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 ResultEarliest possible ovulationOvulation is possible from this date onwards. You can find more information and tips in the article below.Latest possible ovulationOvulation is possible up to this date.Most likely date of ovulationOvulation probably takes places on this date.Fertile starting fromSperm survives up to a few days in the female body. So you can get pregnant before your ovulation date!Fertile untilLast date when you can become pregnant.Highest probability to get pregnantThis is when you have the highest probability of becoming pregnant. See the article below to find out more about more accurate methods.Pregnancy test possible (60% probability of correct results)A pregnancy test is possible from this day onwards. Be aware that there is a risk the result will be incorrect.Pregnancy test with 99% probability of correct result.From this day onwards, pregnancy tests show a reliable result.